Journal articles

A Dynamic Stall Model for Airfoils with Deformable Trailing Edges
Peter Bjørn Andersen, Mac Gaunaa, Christian Bak and Morten Hartvig Hansen
DTU Wind Energy
Published online in Wiley Interscience, 2009

Review of state of the art in smart rotor control research for wind turbines
T.K.Barlas , G.A.M.vanKuik
Delft University Wind Energy Research Institute (DUWIND)
Published online: doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2009.08.002, 2009

Deformable trailing edge flaps for modern megawatt wind turbine controllers using strain gauge sensors
Peter Bjoern Andersen, Lars Henriksen, Mac Gaunaa, Christian Bak and Thomas Buhl
DTU Wind Energy
Wind Energ. (2009)
Published online. DOI: 10.1002/we.371 , 2009

The Performance of Wind Turbine Smart Rotor Control Approaches During Extreme Loads
Matthew A. Lackner and Gijs van Kuik, 2008

Load Alleviation on Wind Turbine Blades using Variable Airfoil Geometry
Peter Bjørn Andersen, Mac Gaunaa, Christian Bak and Thomas Buhl
DTU Wind Energy

Load Alleviation on Wind Turbine Blades using Variable Airfoil Geometry
Santiago Basualdo
DTU Wind Energy
Published in Wind Engineering Volume 29, NO. 2, 2005

Feasibility of Aerodynamic Flap Hinge Moment Measurements as Input for Load Alleviation Control
Tim Behrens, Wei Jun Zhu
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, DTU Wind Energy

Two-Degree-of-Freedom Active Vibration Control of a Prototyped “Smart” Rotor
Jan-Willem vanWingerden, Anton Hulskamp, Thanasis Barlas, Ivo Houtzager, Harald Bersee, Gijs van Kuik, and Michel Verhaegen